Mr. Sonam Wangyal, a consultant and caretaker in Majnu Ka Tilla, New Delhi, has witnessed first hand the dire circumstances facing Tibetans-in-exile seeking medical assistance. As a Tibetan refugee, he struggled with this horrifying reality. As so many Tibetans came to him in perilous situations, he soon learned that his position in the public medical system could aid patients in booking appointments with the best doctors in highest medical institutes. As stated above in Section Three, seeing specialists can be almost impossible. However, Mr. Wangyal is able to use his experiences to quickly organise treatment in government hospitals. His position as an influential adviser in his community enables him to find sources of financial support for the poorest families and patients. However, due to limited resources, PCT is in need of more support to continue and expand the only service that brings safe and affordable high quality treatment in exile.
Since 2012, with his long-time work as a consultant and caretaker, Mr. Wangyal is able to secure discounts in private hospitals/labs, often lowering the cost of medical care. As word of his work and success has spread all over India, he has been inundated with requests for help. Mr. Wangyal has been continuing his service by making great personal sacrifices, including providing his own financial resources. Realizing that this was not a task he could undertake alone, he founded Patient Care Trust in consultation with former Prime Minister, the most Venerable Samdhong Rinpoche, who expressed his support and urged Mr. Wangyal to continue this endeavor. Ven. Samdhong Rinpoche met with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and discussed the organization. His Holiness blessed it with the name“ནད་སྐྱོབ་དགེ་རྩ་ཚོགས་པ།” (“Patient Care Trust”). Patient Care Trust was registered with the Indian government in 2014 (Registration no. 3889).
During the 2015 celebrations for the 80th birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Mr. Wangyal was recognized by the leaders of the Tibetan-in-exile community in Delhi and given a prestigious award for PCT’s efforts to make medical care available to all Tibetans in India.