How to Help Us


The current demand for medical care among the needy in the Tibetan exile community far exceeds the funds available for such care. Funds remain desperately needed and every contribution makes a difference. PCA’s aim is to create an independent and secure building to accommodate patients as well as serve as an office and treatment facility. Thus, the development of this project includes purchasing land and building a self-standing service center to meet the needs of the Tibetan-in-exile community.

Donations of any size are greatly appreciated. Donations go directly to our work in alleviating the suffering of the poor and sick and saving lives.

Want to help us in saving lives?

That’s how you can contribute:

  • Making a donation:
    – Our page on Generosity
    – Western Union
  • Name: Patient Care Trust
  • A/C no. 5020001977745
  • IFSC Code: HDFC0001000
  • H 6 Model Town Delhi-110009

Main office in Delhi:
House No.141, 3rd Floor Block No. 7
Old Tibetan Camp
Majnu Ka Tilla, Delhi-54
(+91) 875 038 0378

  • Helping us with writing articles to your blog/local newspaper and spread the information about us in social networks;
  • Volunteering in hospitals in Delhi.

Please contact Mr. Wangyal to inquire about further accountability and the mechanisms for making donations. We hope to raise funds from a variety of sources, including Tibetans, supporters abroad, Tibetan organizations in exile, and medical NGOs who are in line with our mission and objectives.